Season Two Updates

Wondering where this week’s episode of Enchanted is?

We’re taking a brief break for the month of October while I pack up and move the studio and co-producer Tom and I start on season two. We’ve got some great stuff planned!

Season two will feature magic in ancient Mesopotamia, stories of seduction by magic straight from the archives of fourteenth-century Italy, a sorceress in twelfth-century Africa, the story of the most famous witch-hunting manual in the world, and a multi-part series on the Book of Enoch and angel magic.

Finally, due to the unprecedented (I know. It’s 2020.) level of effort I need to put into developing and delivering online instruction for my courses this year, we’ve decided to go from a biweekly schedule to a monthly schedule for season two. Tom and I had a long talk about it, and we realized we wouldn’t be able to keep up the current pace without sacrificing the quality of the show. We want to keep bringing you the best stories we can possibly find, and in order to do that, we need to slow our roll just a bit.

It’ll still be the same great show you’ve been enjoying, now released on the first Friday of every month!

Thank you for your continued support, and be sure to catch the first episode of season two on November 6!

— Corinne


A New Look!