The Lovelorn Lady

A wealthy widow, a servant girl, and a newly appointed bishop, three unlikely participants in a tragic event. Alice Kyteler and Petronilla de Meath made history by being the first women to face execution for witchcraft in medieval Ireland. When a witch-hunt is about much more than magic, who can resist the pull of the tide?

Researched, written, and produced by Thomas Ignatius and Corinne Wieben, featuring the voice talent of Thomas Ignatius and original music by Purple Planet.  


Purple Planet - Shifting Sands

Purple Planet - Last Stand

Purple Planet - Deadlock

Purple Planet - Harbinger of Doom

Purple Planet - Sense of Loss

Purple Planet - Shadowlands



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Yeats, William Butler. “Nineteen Hundred and Nineteen.” In The Tower: A Facsimile Edition, 32–41. United Kingdom: Scribner, 2012.


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Seymour, St. John D. “Dame Alice Kyteler, The Sorceress of Kilkenny.” In Irish Witchcraft and Demonology, 25-45. Dublin: Hodges, Figgis, & Co., 1913.

Sneddon, Andrew. “Witchcraft Belief and Trials in Early Modern Ireland.” Irish Economic and Social History 39 (2012): 1-25.

Vendler, Helen. “The Puzzle of Sequence: Two Political Poems.” Yeats Annual 20 (2016): 119-153.

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A Flower of the Fire (Philosopher’s Stone Trilogy Part 1)


A Golden House